Category: Staying Connected Blog

Good News or Not So Much?

Last week, most of us were shocked to hear the Centers for Disease Control say that vaccinated people can just stop wearing masks and, for the most part, stop being concerned about distancing. At least that is what I heard.  

My initial reaction was such relief, but then … read more.

Heart Broken

Our monthly spiritual theme of emergence seems to invite attention to that which is emerging, to the new creation and the new spiritual habits that must follow. We tend to focus on the butterfly as it leaves the cocoon, on the chick as it leaves … read more.


We are all works in process and remain works in process through all of our days. The new version of ourselves is always emerging. This is true at the molecular level, as billions of cells die and are born within us each day. It is also true … read more.


It is Earth Day. I awoke mindful of needing to be present to this day and all that it requires. Present to the damage our species has done and to the danger that we may well not have the good sense to change. Present also … read more.

How Long, O Lord, How Long

Rev. Egbert Ethelred Brown

 I want to thank the members of the First Unitarian community who reached out to me, as news of the latest murder in Minnesota spread and news coverage of it surpassed even that of the Chauvin trial. 

There is no surprise in that news … read more.


Raquel Willis, Trans Activist

Last week the Governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, vetoed state bill HB1570 which denied gender affirming health care to minors, even with parental permission. The legislature promptly overrode his veto and that law is now on the books in Arkansas.

The Governor, who … read more.


“Silver Communion Set – Donated by the Ladies Sewing Circle in 1866″

It was the Passover. Jesus gathered his inner circle in an upper room somewhere in Jerusalem to celebrate. He blessed the wine and the bread, told his followers to drink and eat, that liberation … read more.

When Can We Come Back to Church?

More congregants are asking when we will be able to return to in-person worship. It is far from a flood of questions, at least yet, but the number of questions has increased. 

The questions are natural. For the first time in over a year, there is … read more.

The Other Virus(es)

Covid 19 is not the only virus infecting our culture. The murders at the Atlanta spas earlier this week reveal another face of the dysfunction and danger of the culture we are committed to dismantling. 

There is so much that needs saying. 

The alleged killer “gave no indicators” that the murders were racially … read more.