Category: Staying Connected Blog

Unexpected Beauty

Dear Members and Friends,

This week Director of Family Ministries, Cassandra Scheffman, offers a reflection:

Spanish American philosopher George Santayana (also an atheist), may be best known for his work The Sense of Beauty (1896). He said, “Beauty as we feel it is something indescribable; what it … read more.

When We Pause…

Dear Members and Friends,

This week Director of Social Justice, Dana Buhl, offers a reflection:

Last weekend, I completed the Jubilee 3 weekend anti-racism workshop, along with nine other congregants from First Unitarian Church. I’m both tired and inspired at the late hour. I was touched by … read more.

The Heat Dome

It has now been a couple weeks since we experienced the terrible heat wave, aka “the dome,” and the reality of its impact on our lives.

It took a few days for us to learn about the number of human deaths, mostly of those most on … read more.

Breathing Together

The last time the choir gathered on ZOOM before the summer hiatus, we talked quite a bit about possible protocols for returning to the choir loft in September. Somewhere in the conversation, one of the choir members (I guess the word I’ll use here is) … read more.

Summer Blessings

The weather forecast predicts temperatures well over 100 Fahrenheit this Sunday. The “heat dome” that has been bringing record temperatures to much of the desert west is arriving in Portland. I love the warmth and light of summer, but I find myself so thankful for … read more.


Both the Senate and the House passed legislation this week to make Juneteenth a national holiday. It will take only President Biden’s signature to make it official. 

I suppose we should be gratified that our elected representatives finally managed to pass a piece of legislation. The reports of … read more.

You Can No Longer Believe in Apathy

I’ve been in some serious conversation with myself lately. These chats with myself have been prompted, I’m sure, by the re-opening of life as the pandemic ebbs. With each return to what used to be normal…the first hug with someone outside my family, the first … read more.

In the Details

The decision to offer in-person worship in Pioneer Square in just 10 days has generated such positive energy. Many folks are excited and ready to join us. But some, not many but more than a few, are not ready to be part of such a large gathering. And some … read more.

Forgiveness or Permission

I used to think about Memorial Day as the beginning of summer. The long weekend with the weather almost surely summer-like. 

OK. That was before I moved to Oregon where I’ve grown accustomed to waiting longer for summer’s arrival. But, especially this year, my need for respite is not waiting … read more.