Category: Staying Connected Blog

Our Good Bodies

Greetings, beloveds. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to see many of you, and since I’ve been in our First Unitarian pulpit (virtually or otherwise!). Yet, when I was invited to write a piece about Body Liberation for our Staying Connected reflections, I … read more.

Welcome Rain

What a blessing the rain has been this month. First the weekend before last and then again earlier this week. It seemed as if our long hot summer had taken an extraordinary toll all around us. Everywhere I’d look, the earth had just gotten kind … read more.

This is Real Life

Henry David Thoreau Cabin

Last week, I learned about this company that offers secluded rentals of tiny cabins, where you can escape from the bustle of city life for a nearly monastic retreat. Somewhat in the genre of Airbnb, the simple one-room properties even come with … read more.

This Place is Sanctuary

It felt good to “launch” a new church year last Sunday, even if it was, once again, at a distance. We were able to see our choir singing via video—not the same as in person but we were at least able to have an image of … read more.


This coming Sunday, Unitarian Universalist churches around the country will be gathering to begin another church year, Homecoming Sunday.  

Why call some Sunday in the early fall Homecoming, some of you may ask? Worship, pastoral care and programming continue through the summer. It has been a … read more.

It’s a Very Long Name

Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multi-Cultural Ministries. DRUUMM for short.

This national organization invites Unitarian Universalists who identify as African American or from other parts of the African Diaspora, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander, South Asian and Indian, Native American or from other Indigenous Cultures to … read more.

A Scene from the Gift Economy

This weekend, my housemate got word of a neighbor in distress. Her yard, driveway, and sidewalk were being overtaken by great lavender bushes! So, we pulled together a rescue squad, armed with garden shears and cotton bags, to liberate as many of the little purple … read more.

Risk and Hope

Dear Members and Friends,

I think I have mentioned in one of these before that I am a natural risk-taker. I think I’ve also mentioned that I am not a particularly hopeful person, generally. I usually believe that hope breeds disappointment and nurtures complacency. In any … read more.

New Neighbors

Dear Members and Friends,

This week Senior Minister, Rev. Bill Sinkford, offers a reflection:

A few evenings ago, stepping out my front door, I was surprised to find two deer at the top of my driveway. Both were young males with new antlers budding on their heads. … read more.