Category: Staying Connected Blog

Remember Your Baptism

I’m skeptical of “devotion”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m deeply in love with the concept of it, but I have not been sure it’s real.

In the name of devotion, I’ve seen conservatives cling more closely to personal gain than to integrity. I’ve seen liberals cling … read more.

Hopes and Intentions

On November 14, Celebration Sunday, I asked those in worship to name their hopes for First Unitarian as we begin to regather and the intentions or commitments they were ready to make as well. The pandemic has changed so much and we all know that our lives and our … read more.

Gratitude for the Tenders and Menders

I’ve struggled with what to write today. I have too many thoughts to organize, and too few words to express all that is swirling in my heart and mind. How can I make meaning of the broken-heartedness I feel — for my cousin whose 26 … read more.

Meeting the New Day

If you are reading this and you have already made a gift to First Unitarian, a heartfelt Thank You! Please feel free to read on. My message is a good message for all of us to hear.

But I especially want to talk to those individuals … read more.

Coming Back: A Work in Progress

Sunday was a good day at the church. For the first time in over 18 months we had congregants back in the Sanctuary for worship. There were plenty of tears and lots of joy. I didn’t know what to expect going into the day. Would … read more.

Meeting the New Day

Love of life means hope for me
Borne on a new day
You are the new day…

At First Unitarian, we aspire to nurture the individual spirit and, together, work toward Beloved Community. Whether we are in-person or at a distance, the liberating mission of our faith calls … read more.

Love for Place

“Native People relate to rock art with our hearts. I regularly visit one rock art site that is a holy site. It provides us knowledge of our past and future. We do not view these panels as just art, but almost like a coded message … read more.