Category: Congregation News

February 2020 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings –

February 2 was the final day to submit applications for the Senior Minister Search Committee to our Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee, which is doing the first level of review, reported we have 43 qualified applicants. We are very pleased and grateful to all … read more.

January 2020 Moderator Letter

Greetings and Happy New Year –

This past Sunday we hosted two Board Conversations about Senior Minister Transition where we shared information and answered your questions. Thank you to the over 100 of you who attended! 

In addition we have met or have on our schedule to … read more.

September 2019 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings –

Welcome back to the beginning of our church year at First Unitarian. I hope that however you lived out your summer it was renewing and included fun. 

Your Board of Trustees is already moving forward on our goals for the year which are: 

1. Continued to … read more.

Letter to Congregation

June 6, 2019

Beloved Congregation,

Teaching in the Learning Community is a big commitment. But it is also one that can deeply enrich your spirit with joy and inspiration. I always say that we have as much to learn from our children and youth as they do … read more.

May 2019 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings –

Our traditional church year is coming to a close, with the Summer Schedule of one service at 10:15 beginning June 9. Before that happens, though, we continue to be a busy, active community. The June 9 service is our Flower Communion and announcement of … read more.

April ’19 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings –

It’s always a busy spring and Easter season here at First Church.  Unfortunately, the sprinkler leak that flooded 3 floors of Buchan yesterday added additional work for all our staff.  This is asking us to be flexible as we adjust our scheduled meetings and activities here … read more.