Category: Congregation News

Make Your Voice Heard in Oregon to Help Save the Climate

From Community for Earth (CFE)

After failure by the Oregon legislature to adopt any meaningful climate legislation in the 2019 Legislative Session, Governor Kate Brown did what she could to reduce greenhouse gases through an Executive Order.  EO 20-04 set new science-based emissions reduction goals for Oregon and directed state agencies to write plans for how they will use their statutory authority to help meet the goals.

The Department of … read more.

This Year, Our Shared Plate Centers Climate Justice

Climate crisis is real.

We are experiencing and witnessing increasingly devastating climate disasters, here in the Pacific NW, across this continent and across the globe. This church year, our weekly shared offering will focus on climate justice initiatives, from disaster recovery and mitigation to innovative solutions that center the … read more.

This Fall at First Unitarian

We have decided to change our plans for this fall. Rather than return to in-person worship next month, as we had hoped, we will begin the new church year worshipping on-line only.

So many of us were looking forward to gathering once again in person, to … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – June 2021


We have reached the end of our church year and are finding our way to the new normal. 300 of us gathered in Pioneer Square on June 13 to hear our service in person for the first time in 15 months. It was wonderful to … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – MAY 2021


As we near the end of our most unusual church year we are winding up our meetings with congregants to hear their thoughts on our church-wide goals for the next three years. Many congregants have given their input through group meetings or individually. We are … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – April 2021


It feels like we are finally leaving winter behind. In keeping with our spiritual theme of “Awe” this month, I have been looking at all we have done together through this past year. One of the things I find awe inspiring is the breadth of … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – March 2021


We have passed a milestone in the church’s history that none of us could ever have predicted – we have not been in our buildings for an entire year. Though we all miss being together, our virtual ministry has allowed our beloved community to expand … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – February 2021


We have nearly hit the one-year mark in our move to being a virtual church. It has been a year requiring creativity and resilience from our ministers and staff. They have all done a wonderful job reimagining how we “do church,” and keeping us all … read more.