Category: Congregation News

Letter From the Board – December 2023

During this time of year I find myself feeling in the holiday mood. I love the decorations, smells, flavors and holiday festivities. Often this is a time to see people I haven’t seen for a while. Connecting with new people and reconnecting with old friends.

As … read more.

Letter From the Board – November 2023


After having written almost every one of these letters for two years when they were the “Moderator’s Letter,” I have been delighted with the results I have seen as different board members share their thoughts about our church and our shared journey together.

I am very … read more.

Lifelong Learners

Unitarian Universalists tend to be lifelong learners. We have a holy curiosity about us that begins as small children, and this yearning is never extinguished. It is a frequent trait among us. However, many of our religious education programs or exploration programs used to end … read more.