Category: Board of Trustees

Cafe Conversations on Transparency (April 2015)

Facilitated by the Board during April 2016 (synthesis posted July 2016)

Our two Cafe Conversations held during April 2016 were a great success–thank you to all who attended. Approximately 40 congregants attended and shared their thoughts on transparency and the Church. We have shared all of … read more.

Moderator’s Letter: February and March

March 15, 2017

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

     The word is out: we have a new Director of Music!  On behalf of the Board, I would like to also thank Reverend Sinkford and the Music Director Search Advisory Committee for their diligent work. There were many qualified … read more.

Moderator’s Message

During April and May, the Board undertook a review of the Church’s operation and administration. A review every three years using the perspective of outside experts or consultants is called for by the Board’s Governing Policies.

This year, in collaboration with the Executive Team, the Board … read more.

Ballot Results for Church Year 2016-17

Total ballots received for the Board, Nominating Committee, Budget and Foundation Stewards: 448

Board of Trustees Candidates:
Alan Comnes 432
Matt Swafford 434
John Thompson 428
Leila Wrathall 429
Evie Zaic 433

Nominating Committee Candidates:
Linda Craig 432
Linda Hunter 438
Bethany Small 432

Operating Fund Budget
Yes: … read more.