Category: Board of Trustees

April ’19 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings –

It’s always a busy spring and Easter season here at First Church.  Unfortunately, the sprinkler leak that flooded 3 floors of Buchan yesterday added additional work for all our staff.  This is asking us to be flexible as we adjust our scheduled meetings and activities here … read more.

March ’19 Moderator’s Letter


I’d like to update you on some board and church activities and invite you to participate.

It’s coming, the 2019 church auction – May 5, 12, 19!  The focus is on community building. This is an opportunity not only to purchase something fun, but in … read more.

February ’19 Moderator’s Letter


I’d like to update you on some board and church activities and invite you to participate in our next forum.

This church year the board has been reaching out to other groups in our church community, attending their meetings and having a dialogue on what is … read more.

December ’18 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings and Happy Holidays, 

This is a busy time of year for our church with all of the holiday festivities and services.

Your Board has been busy too. We are keeping an eye on our vision and working on the board goals for this year. 

As a follow-up to … read more.

November ’18 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings and Welcome

On Sunday, November 4, the board held it’s fall congregant forum.  About 25 people attended to learn about the board goals for the 2018-19 church year, to meet the current board members, share some food and engage in conversation about our church. … read more.

October ’18 Moderator’s Letter

Greetings and Welcome

Our Annual Fund Drive (AFD) has begun. Everyone on the Board is grateful to this year’s AFD Co-Chairs : Laura Jones & David Livermore. If you have not met them, please visit them after service each week at the AFD table in … read more.

September ’18 Moderator’s Letter

(This is the first post from Kathy Ludlow, who is First Unitarian’s Board Moderator for the 2018-2019 church year.)

Greetings and Welcome as we begin our new church year!

At the September 16 service, Board members lit the chalice and were acknowledged by our congregation.  If you … read more.