Category: Board of Trustees

Moderator’s Letter – April 2021


It feels like we are finally leaving winter behind. In keeping with our spiritual theme of “Awe” this month, I have been looking at all we have done together through this past year. One of the things I find awe inspiring is the breadth of … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – March 2021


We have passed a milestone in the church’s history that none of us could ever have predicted – we have not been in our buildings for an entire year. Though we all miss being together, our virtual ministry has allowed our beloved community to expand … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – February 2021


We have nearly hit the one-year mark in our move to being a virtual church. It has been a year requiring creativity and resilience from our ministers and staff. They have all done a wonderful job reimagining how we “do church,” and keeping us all … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – January 2021


The past few weeks have been a tumultuous time in the life of our country. Amidst the turmoil, First Unitarian has continued to be a beacon of hope.

Our holiday services were very different this year and, though virtual, they refreshed my soul and my connection … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – December 2020


Though we are physically away from our church, our holiday traditions are carrying on. The Alliance Greens Sale was successful and our social action groups gathered donations to support several of our community partners. 

The Board is continuing its discernment around adopting the 8th Principle. A … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – November 2020


We made it through the election and have reason to hope for healing as we look to a new year and a new administration. The prayer vigil offered by Rev. Bill, Rev. Tom, and Intern Minister Stacy on election eve was a time of calm … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – October 2020


As we move into fall, we hope you’re all staying well. These are anxious times, and it is good to have our church community. 

First, we thank all of you who have participated with a gift to Our Path Forward. As of last week, we have … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – Sept. 2020


Our church year has begun again with Homecoming Sunday. It was good to see so many of us in photos and to remember how important this community is.

Our community has held up remarkably well through this time of physical separation. “Attendance” at our virtual church … read more.

June 2020 Moderator’s Letter


Much has been happening in our church. As you know from the Front Steps, the board has asked Rev. Bill to continue as our Senior Minister for an additional year. He has agreed to postpone his retirement and will remain with us through the 2021-2022 … read more.

May 2020 Moderator’s Letter


As we move through spring we continue to have outstanding Sunday services and music which stream to consistently large numbers of people. The YRUU service a few weeks ago had over 900 devices watching! Not only are you watching, you are also supporting with your … read more.