Calm During the Count Down

Have you noticed people around you getting more nervous or less patient, responses a little sharper in the last few days? Have you noticed yourself getting more “antsy” or anxious? 

I know some of us have intentionally limited the information we take in about the election and the pandemic and the economy. Some of us have even had success at that. But as the din of the election rises toward its crescendo, many of us are feeling the pressure in our lives. I know I am. 

Remember, as I try to, that these are in fact trying times. It can help to remember that there are reasons we may be feeling out of sorts. Remembering that truth can help. 

This is also a time to use what you know about centering yourself. Perhaps you can increase the time you spend on your personal spiritual discipline…prayer or meditation or Tai Chi or taking walks…whatever that is for you. 

I’ll be offering the prayer time for the Family Worship on Sunday by leading a simple meditation on breath. Children need centering these days, too. If you don’t have a regular spiritual practice, perhaps tuning in to the 9:15 service would be time well spent for you. 

Sunday in the 10:15 worship service, Rev. Tom, and the Praise Singers will lead the All Souls remembrance of those in our community who have died this year. This can be an opportunity for all of us to center and ground ourselves. We all are carrying a great deal of grief this year. 

And on Tuesday, formal election day itself, consider joining Rev. Tom, Intern Minister Stacey Mitchell and me for a prayer vigil between 5 and 7 p.m. 

In addition to nurturing our spirits through these days, First Unitarian continues to partner with other builders of Beloved Community.  

  • More than 50 First Unitarian congregants have been meeting to prepare for what the days following the election may hold, using the Hold the Line resources.  
  • The federal judge has promised to rule tomorrow on the suit the church joined with the Western States Center to limit the presence of federal troops on our streets.  
  • The First Unitarian Social Justice Council is holding an open meeting after worship on Sunday called Social Justice Grounding and Action. This is another opportunity to center in spiritual community as well as learn how you can be in solidarity with church and local actions for electoral justice. Look for the meeting announcement in the e-news. 

These are anxious times. There is much at stake and the outcomes are far from guaranteed. 

Remember to ground and center yourself as we live through these days. Join with others…I know it will be mostly virtual…but you do not need to live through these days alone. 

And remember: Ours are the only hands on earth. The power of love can be real, if we make it so by the living of our lives. 

Breathe in peace. 

Breathe out love. 

