Becoming a Member
Deepening connections can lead to interest in becoming a member at First Unitarian Portland. We’d love to have you join the journey! But if you’re not ready to take that step, please keep coming around to our Sunday services, virtual events, and social hours that are offered each week.
If you are ready to become a member, please contact Jen Thomas for a membership packet.
After completing the Enrollment Form, please email it to Jen or print out and send it to the church office at 1034 SW 13th Ave., Portland, OR 97205.
We look forward to welcoming you as a member!

Are you thinking about becoming a Member of our church, but not sure what that means, or how to go about it?
Our Membership Program is designed to assist new folks (as well as long-term congregants) in deepening their connection to the church through membership. Start by thinking of membership as an ongoing journey to deeper community and deeper faith, rather than as a specific date or event. Think of it as a journey along a path….
If you are new, we encourage you to worship with us a few times, and to explore various church activities, classes, and events that appeal to you. Check out our ongoing groups. Also, check out our Events Calendar to find out about the newest classes and events. Take some time to get to know us better!
First Steps Informational Classes
To help you learn a bit more about our community of faith, to meet one of our ministers, and to have your questions addressed, we hope you’ll attend our informative and informal “First Steps” informational classes with Rev. Thomas Disrud and Jen Thomas. Opportunities to join this class is offered on most first Sundays. To stay up to date on class dates and times, please click here to subscribe to our weekly Front Steps e-newsletter.
If you’re new to our faith, this is a good place to begin your journey. If you are a long-time Unitarian Universalist, this is a chance to get to know more about this particular congregation, its history, and what it means to be a member. This is a chance to meet other new folks and learn more about the spirituality and commitment of our community. Be sure to bring your questions!
Voting Membership Requirements
There are two requirements in our bylaws for joining the church as a Voting Member: signing the Membership Record Book* and making and fulfilling an annual financial pledge that is “generous within their means.”
What does that statement mean? As a member of First Unitarian Church, you are asked to look within your heart and determine for yourself the financial commitment that calls you to generosity. In making this decision, we invite you to reflect upon the church’s role in your life, the church’s needs, and your own financial situation. It’s up to you to determine a pledge amount that is generous for you to make. This amount will be different for everyone, as we are all at different points on the financial spectrum. But the encouragement to give generously applies equally to everyone.
*There will be ongoing opportunities to sign the Membership Record Book at your convenience.
Questions about membership? Please contact Jen Thomas, Member Engagement Coordinator.
To speak with a minister, please contact Rev. Tom Disrud.