Author: First Unitarian Portland

Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships for Fiscal Year 2017-18
Provided Event Space or Collaborated on Events
350 PDX
99 Girlfriends
American Federation of Government Employees – Veterans Healthcare
American Iranian Friendship Council of Portland
Bridging Voices (The Portland GSA Chorus)
FA Thank-a-Thon
Fair Trade Bazaar (Basha Direct, Thembanathi, Mayan Hands, Upavim, The Imani Project, Zumbido de … read more.

Living Tradition

A note from Rev. Sinkford:  Congregational singing is such an important part of our worship life at First Unitarian. Our worship leaders take care every week to select hymns that fit our worship theme and support the spiritual work we do … read more.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Darkness and Light
Choir: Chalice Choir


Hold Out Your Light
Music: Moses Hogan
Text: Traditional

Hold out your light, you Heaven-bound soldier,
Let your light shine around the world.

Singing, O, preacher can’t you hold out your light.
O, deacon can’t you hold … read more.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Proud and Humble
Choir: Chamber Choir


Daemon Irrepit Callidus
Music: György Orbán
Text: Traditional

Daemon irrepit calidus, 
Allicit cor honoribus. 
Quid amabile Daemon dat 
Cor jesu minus aestimat Daemon point frauds inter cantus, 
Saltus, Daemon! 
Caro venaratur sensibus; 
Sen sus adhaeret dapibus; 
In … read more.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Deliver Us To Evil
Choir: Unitarian Choir


Lamentations of Jeremiah
Music: Z. Randall Stroope
Text: Traditional

O vos omnes,
qui transities per viam
attendite et videte
si est dolor,
sicut dolor meus.

Recordare Domine
intuere et respice
opprobrium nostrum.


O you people,
who pass … read more.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Good, Bad, and Indifferent
Choir: Chamber Choir


“Timor et Tremor” from Quatre Motets pour un Temps du Pénitence
Music: Francis Poulenc
Text: Traditional

Timor et tremor venerunt super me et caligo cecidit super me.
Miserere mei, Domine, miserere; quoniam in te confidit anima
… read more.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Monthly Theme: Prayer
Sermon Topic:
Choir: Chalice Choir


Ask and It Shall Be Given
Music: Jonathan Adams
Text: Matthew 7:7-8

Ask, and it shall be given you;
Seek, and ye shall find;
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

For whosoever asketh receiveth;
And [they] that seeketh … read more.