Author: SJAG

General Assembly Delegates Sought

The UUA General Assembly is in Portland, June 22-26. We need 19 delegates to represent First Unitarian, Portland. Participation is possible both in-person and virtually. Are you ready, willing, and able? 

Are You Ready – Can you devote three hours to Association business on Thursday, Friday, … read more.

Braided River Campaign: April

For the month of April, we share our plate with the Braided River Campaign, a community-based organization dedicated to environmental justice for communities in the North Portland Harbor, from the Broadway Bridge to Sauvie Island. Braided River refers to the natural course of an … read more.

LCSNW Refugee Resettlement Program: March 27

Refugee crises continue to erupt due to warfare in many regions of the world including Ukraine and Afghanistan. Today we join with our sibling UU congregations of the Mt. Hood Cluster to share our plate with Lutheran Community Services Northwest Refugee Resettlement Program. For over 40 years, Lutheran Community … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – March 2022 


With the return of children to our Learning Community, the choir on the chancel, and sitting on our familiar hard seats, last Sunday almost felt like a “normal” Sunday at First Unitarian. It was good to see so many of you in church. I know … read more.

Bark: March

For the month of March, we share our offering with Bark, a local environmental organization that envisions a future where climate resilience and environmental justice are the guiding principles of forest management. Bark’s mission is to transform Mt. Hood National Forest into a place … read more.

Committee On Hunger and Homelessness (COHHO)


No one hungry · No one homeless · Children and families thriving!


COHHO strives to end homelessness, hunger and its effects through individual and collective acts of compassion.

In keeping with First Unitarian’s eight principles and as social justice allies, COHHO…


We volunteer and recruit volunteers … read more.

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

In keeping with our eight principles and as social justice allies, our mission is to support and enhance the rights of refugees, migrants, and immigrants in our community. We provide information; promote understanding and engagement of our fellow UU congregants to these ends.

IJAG hosts regular monthly … read more.

Outside In: Christmas Eve

We share our plate this Christmas Eve with First Unitarian’s long-time community partner, Outside In. Since 1968, Outside In has helped to break the cycles of chronic homelessness, poverty, and poor health among those experiencing houselessness, and the underserved. As the pandemic continues and the crisis of … read more.