Author: Rev. Bill Sinkford


The Sweet Gum tree outside my kitchen has finally leafed. It is always a “late bloomer” and the leaves are still unfolding a bit, up here on the hill where I live. I love being present to the greening of that tree, though it makes … read more.

Our Grief Will Endure

“The Pandemic Will Pass. Our Grief Will Endure” by Eddie Glaude, Jr., Washington Post, April 7, 2020

I printed Prof. Glaude’s article more than three weeks ago and placed it on a small stack of books and papers at the left of my desk. To the … read more.

“Insert Crow-bar … and Push!”

A good friend, a longtime activist, confronted with injustice, is fond of asking, “Where can I insert my crow-bar and push!” Her question asks where needs are greatest and where effort can be most effective.

Six weeks into the Covid 19 world, many of us privileged … read more.

The Right Questions

When will things get back to normal? When will we be able to worship in the sanctuary? When will the choirs be able to sing again? When will our children be able to have religious education classes?

All these questions are natural. The problem is that … read more.

A Different Easter and a Different Spring

Easter at First Unitarian is usually such a celebratory time. Big music. All the choirs. The Halleluiah hymns. Every seat filled. Some years, Standing Room Only.

Every year, I ponder the power that Easter has for liberal religious folks…for us…and for me. The rejection of the … read more.

Love Bigger

“All I can do is to LOVE bigger.” The young nurse being interviewed at home after her 12 hour shift at a New York hospital, exhaustion in her face, spoke to me with a needed reminder of what I know to be true. All we … read more.

Let Us Choose Love

living with less sleep and more doom and gloom feelings. But I’m OK.”

It was not an unusual message to start my
day. The news feed on my phone regularly reports the death toll from the virus,
the financial toll from the stock market, and now the skyrocketing … read more.

Sustaining Ourselves and the Web

We are, many of us, living in
that space after decisions have been made, when we begin to know what the
ramifications of those decisions will surely be.

The decisions needed to be made.
There was no real choice. The danger of not making those decisions was too
great. But … read more.

In-Person Worship Cancelled

Dear Members and Friends of First Unitarian,

This morning, we made the decision NOT to hold in-person worship this Sunday. There will not be in-person worship at least through the end of this month. Live-stream worship will continue and we encourage everyone to sign on at … read more.