Author: Rev. Bill Sinkford

The Ghosts Will Not Leave Us Alone

James Baldwin

Weary. That is how many of you have described yourselves to me in recent days. Not tired. We know how to deal with being tired. Rest is recommended, and respite. Recovery is predictable and expected. Weary is a feeling of being worn down. Over time. … read more.

One Love

‘Twas the week before Christmas…and I must confess to feeling a bit like one of the elves in the mythical St. Nick’s workshop as we prepare for the holidays at First Unitarian. I guess Santa would be my role in that imagination. 

We are working on all of the seasonal holiday services and … read more.

Festival of Lights

The eight days of Hanukkah begin tonight. This Jewish celebration is one of the many ways that people of faith pause and witness during this season of long nights. The Solstice, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Christmas… all ways that communities mark this season of the turning year. 

Hanukkah means … read more.

We Are the Ones

Women’s March, Pretoria, South Africa, 1956  

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent in the Christian liturgical calendar. In that tradition, Advent is a time of waiting and personal preparation to receive the mystery and the miracle of the birth of Jesus.  

Mystery is our spiritual theme for … read more.

Thanksgiving: Gratitude and Grief

This is not my first attempt to write a “Thanksgiving” message. You all expect me to offer one and I understand offering a word of gratitude in this season to be a responsibility of my ministry, part of my job. But I have had a hard time staying in the space of gratitude.  

One of … read more.

Revolutionary Love

I want to thank the many members of the congregation who wrote to me after last Sunday’s service. You wrote of being inspired and of needing the message that an epidemic of love could be both powerful and possible. You shared stories of how the service seemed to open a long-closed … read more.


“I did not realize how much anxiety I was carrying.”  

“I can finally let my shoulders down.” 

“I don’t have to be afraid to wake up anymore.” 

I heard each of these statements from congregants in the last couple of days. And many more similar sentiments. 

Many of us … read more.

The Work Goes On

As I write, election results are becoming clearer. Despite early returns, the Democratic challengers will likely secure an electoral college victory. The drama that seems always to be generated by our current President continues to swirl. He declared himself the winner late Tuesday night and … read more.

Calm During the Count Down

Have you noticed people around you getting more nervous or less patient, responses a little sharper in the last few days? Have you noticed yourself getting more “antsy” or anxious? 

I know some of us have intentionally limited the information we take in about the election … read more.