Author: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Guest Blogger, Rev. Thomas Disrud

I expect most of you have heard the news that Rev. Bill Sinkford has answered the call to be the interim president of the Unitarian Universalist Association from now until the end of June. A new president will be elected when the General Assembly meets … read more.

Answered Prayers


“Wow.” “Expansive.” “Heart Opening.” “Holy.”

These are a few of the words that were used to describe the process of holding each other in prayer that we began during last week’s service. I want to thank all of you who took the time to write and … read more.

The Great Mosque of Cordoba


Visiting southern Spain was a dream of mine for many years. I was drawn to the history of peaceful, or at least non-lethal, co-existence of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the 700 years before 1492. There is real controversy today about how that period should … read more.

Devotion and the Self

“Devotion” is our spiritual theme for March, and there are few words as challenging for religious liberals. Our view of truth is contingent, our understanding of justice is always evolving, and even our theology is a work in process. Devotion seems to call for complete … read more.