Author: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Autumn Alert

The Sweet gum tree outside my kitchen window is wearing its spectacular fall finery, a profusion of red and orange and yellow. It is a sure sign of the changing season, of the turning of the year.

UU minister Robbie Walsh:

“I have just returned from the … read more.

Grievance or Gratitude

I am still reeling from the Kavanaugh appointment to our highest court. The rational part of my brain knows that this was simply the exercise of power. I am also clear that the best, in fact the only effective response, will be for those on … read more.

Evil People

Thursday, 1:30PM

Dear friends, I wrote this blog post less than 24 hours ago. Today, with events in Washington seeming to crowd out most other concerns, perhaps I should cobble together a quick response and trust that you will wait for greater depth from me in … read more.

A Post “Roe” World

I am writing from Washington, DC, where I am attending a meeting of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice(RCRC) on whose national board I serve. Within the hour, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from both Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and one of … read more.

Being Right Without Being Righteous

Integrity, our spiritual theme this month, can so easily be understood as the taking of principled stands, of holding fast to what we believe to be right even to the point of personal sacrifice.

We tell the story of Michael Servetus, early rejecter of the Trinity … read more.

At One

The rhythms of the Jewish High Holy Days, this period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, are moving me deeply this year.

I seem to need to tell those I love that I love them more often and to let them know … read more.

The New Church Year

With Labor Day behind us, summer has reached its official end. Like schools and many other institutions, First Unitarian moves into a new year.

At least we say that a “new church year” is beginning, and it is true that our programming does ramp up. Religious … read more.

Unfinished Business

This week I am working hard to “tie up” loose ends and work through my year-end “to do” list. Some of you are finishing or have just finished a school year. Or a major project. Perhaps you would recognize my focus on crossing items off, … read more.


Saturday evening we will celebrate Cathy Cartwright-Chow’s 15 year ministry here at First Unitarian and her 30 years service to Unitarian Universalist congregations. We will send her off into retirement from full time work, to her son’s wedding in Malaysia and to welcome her first … read more.

Welcomed as Blessings

What does the Beloved Community look like? What will it look like? How will we know if we get there? Is this just about race? I have been asked these questions, and more, by members of our community.

One of the challenges of using the language of Beloved Community is that it … read more.