Author: Rev. Bill Sinkford

Come Sunday

Theologian and jazz great,
Duke Ellington, got it right: “Come Sunday, oh, come Sunday, that’s the day.”

We call it Celebration
Sunday, this Sunday, when we try to transform our financial giving to support
First Unitarian into a joyful expression of our gratitude for all the church
means in … read more.


The first thing to say about our democracy is that it is not one. Our system of government is not a democracy. The “framers” of our system, those “founding fathers”, were deeply distrustful of democracy and what might happen if all the people had a … read more.

For All the Saints

Halloween. All Saints Day.
All Souls. These traditions trace back to the Celtic “New Year” celebration of
Samhain (pronounced sow-in). This transition time between summer and the cold,
dark of winter was associated with human death. It was understood to be a time
when the boundary between the worlds … read more.


Fall is a transitional
season. The brightness of summer has dimmed, but the long dark of winter still lies
ahead. This is a liminal season, a time between when the old reality still
informs our longing even while the new truth holds our hopes.

Liminal. A time between. An
entrance. … read more.


The fall colors not only signal the change of
season but begin to shift our attention toward the coming time of long dark. We
anticipate the loss of light, and other losses are called to mind as well.
Perhaps it is the news of the day that calls … read more.

On This Day…

On this day, when Turkish
troops attack the Kurds, our traditional allies, in Syria, encouraged by a US
President whose business interests and leadership preferences bind him to the
Turkish dictator and “strong men” around the globe…

On this day, when that
same President throws down what may be the … read more.

Courage: Journey with Fear

Courage is our spiritual
theme for October. Most dictionary definitions suggest that courage involves
fearlessness, somehow being able to hold fear at bay.

If you Google “Courage is not
the absence of fear,” the words of several famous individuals pop up:

Courage is not the absence of

– “but the … read more.

What Brought You to Church?

“And the day came when the
risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to

Anais Nin

Rev. Carol Cissel, our guest preacher last Sunday, spoke about the will it takes to visit our church, or any church. She spoke about … read more.

Let Us Build Together

The theme of Radical
Hospitality/Welcome this month has been an opportunity for truth telling about
work we need to do. Our guest preacher this Sunday, Rev. Carol Cissel, will
bring her own message about welcome to add to our resources as we engage this

Neither the Unitarian nor
the Universalist … read more.

September 12

Homecoming Sunday was, in so many ways, a good beginning to this church year: The welcoming smiles of folks as they entered the building. The energy was so positive in the sanctuary and the congregation in such good voice as we sang together. The beautiful … read more.