Author: Rev. Alison Miller

Journey of Surrender

On the three-hour journey to travel four miles home yesterday amidst the chaos of the second-largest snowfall on record in Portland, on the first day of the Lenten Season, I was reminded that Lent is a journey of surrender. The three leading practices of this … read more.

Community Conversations

It has been so meaningful to begin to grow roots here with you in Portland during our first six months together. It is a blessing and a privilege to lead and serve alongside you as we re-imagine and rebuild our community in this time of … read more.

Creation and Creativity

This month we are reflecting on creation and creativity as a way into our spiritual theme of the 2022-2023 year: Rooted in Relationship. From the origins of our earth up until this day, we can see that everything and everyone and every action ripples out … read more.

Lifelong Learners

We currently use the words “Learning Community” to signify our programs for our children and youth. However, we are really a lifelong learning community. We don’t just learn about spiritual practices, world religions, ethics, and life’s big questions up through high school and then graduate … read more.

Many Ways to Do the Holidays

What a joyous week this is in our congregation! I am grateful to be experiencing the winter holidays with you for the first time. Although, the temperatures are dipping low outside, the spirit of warmth and community are alive and bright in this place. We … read more.

The Journey of Advent

We lament the Christmas Season beginning earlier and earlier these days. What we usually reference in this complaint is the commercial aspect of Christmas and the pressure to buy, buy, buy beginning even before Thanksgiving. Christmas decorations go up in some stores the day after … read more.

Grief Alongside Gratitude 

Becoming numb in the wake of the mounting losses of life at the hand of gun violence is understandable. Still, we must learn how to continue to feel the range of emotions that follow terrifying tragedies. Our sorrow and our rage, our ability to take … read more.

New Principles and Purposes

Did you know that our UU purposes, principles, and sources are being re-drafted? This includes more than the addition of the new language that was adopted by our congregation in June 2021 through the 8th Principle. In fact, the entire article 2 in the UUA … read more.