Author: Alan Comnes

June Update from the Board of Trustees

Moderator Randy Russell is on vacation but the Board nonetheless wanted to provide this update on important activities from the last month.  First Unitarian ended its traditional “high season” of two-service Sundays and full educational activities for children and youth on June 11 with Community … read more.

May Moderator’s Letter

May 11, 2017

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

Please remember to vote.  You should have received your ballot in the mail by now. Please review it carefully and mail it back or drop it off at the church.  Your ballots must be received at the Church by … read more.

April Moderator’s Letter

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

In the last month, there have been several high profile resignations at the UUA, including that of President Peter Morales, amid controversy over hiring practices (see more here). Your board supported both the UUA’s request, and Reverend Sinkford’s willingness, that he serve … read more.

March Moderator’s Letter

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

     The word is out: we have a new Director of Music! On behalf of the Board, I would like to also thank Reverend Sinkford and the Music Director Search Advisory Committee for their diligent work. There were many qualified applicants to … read more.