It doesn’t take a religious person to recognize that the universe is infused with holiness. A former teacher once said, “We can find the Grand Canyon in our own back yard.” The act of seeing is a delight in itself. Take a close look. Even a jelly fish is an extraordinary thing to behold. We are all travelers in a sea of beauty. Apollo astronauts understood this and recorded it in their first photos of earth. For many years, I have explored how to capture the sense of holiness in simple subjects. I create the illusion of stained-glass in some of the work to accentuate this idea. More recently, I have been making wood relief “translations” of a given drawing or painting. For example, the viewer is encouraged to see the visual connection between “Oceans of Time,” a painting, and “Galaxy Quest 3,” a wood relief with the same composition. A similar comparison can be seen between “Calling on Kandinsky” and “Seed Surge,” which are shown side by side. Enjoy a gallery walk from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
April: Larry Gross