Our mission is to prioritize racial justice as we work to dismantle unjust and inhumane policies and practices that contribute to mass incarceration. We work with congregants, community groups, and those most impacted to replace unjust policies and practices with restorative and equitable approaches that strengthen, rather than damage, individual lives, families and communities

Antiracism Learning Circles-2

Antiracism Learning Circles

The Antiracism Learning Circles are small discussion cohorts that go through a book or podcast. These Circles were formed in the Fall of 2020 as ...


We will help our congregation recognize and set aside a culture of white supremacy and truly realize its aspiration of being a welcoming, equitable, and ...

Anti-Racism Resources

#BlackLivesMatter Anti-Racism Resources for White Folks Ibram X. Kendi’s Antiracist Reading List (NY Times) Tara Brach: Antiracism resources (Buddhist perspective)https://www.tarabrach.com/racism/?mc_cid=c1ba4f14c6&mc_eid=7154950211 These Books Can Help You ...