Our Covenant
Unitarian Universalist churches, including our beloved faith community, are founded on the mutual promises we make to one another about how we will live together rather than on a shared belief system or creed. This covenant of the members and friends of First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, encourages us to bring our best selves to our relationships with one another and to grow in spirit by deepening our connections with each other. Every member and friend of the First Unitarian community is encouraged to join in these promises to ensure that this institution thrives and can accomplish its mission in the world.
I promise to cultivate in myself:
• Appreciation of our commonalities and differences
• Joy and a sense of humor
• Trust that others have good intentions
• Generosity of spirit and substance
• Willingness to forgive and seek forgiveness
• Ownership of my actions and their consequences
• Gratitude for those who helped build our church community
• Commitment to sustaining this church for those who will follow after.
In accordance with these values and intentions, I promise to:
• Give generously of my time, talents and resources
• Be kind and compassionate
• Listen to understand rather than to judge or prove a point
• Support and nurture others
• Express appreciation of others’ efforts
• Talk with rather than about others
• Be mindful and considerate in my communications and interactions
• Respond to anger with gentleness
• Forgive myself and others when we fail to keep these promises and begin again in love and faith.
This covenant is a touchstone that guides us in nurturing our selves and our church community and supporting its work in the world. Through it we will enrich our relationships with one another and serve others in accordance with our principles. Together we pledge to revisit and renew our promises to one another to foster our spiritual growth and sustain the vitality of our congregation and its larger mission in the world.