Your Board Members

Winter All Church Forum – January 26 – Eliot Chapel

Join Rev. Alison and members of your Board of Trustees for a forum on Sunday, January 26, after service. Rev. Alison and Treasurer Roger Robinson will provide an update on the Annual Fund Drive and priorities for next year’s budget.

The Board will also introduce two proposed changes to the church’s bylaws. One will address privacy and security of our membership information; this follows the request last Fall by congregants to receive the member mailing list. The other will propose a reduction in the size of the Board from 12 members to 9; this follows an initial 2019 proposal by the Board and subsequent research and deliberations.

All of this is ahead of our annual congregational vote in the May. Additional presentations will be provided to learn more about these important items are planned for March and April.

Board Goals

At the Board’s December 2024 meeting, we set these goals:

  1. Support Reverend Alison Miller and assure a safe work space for all Church staff.
    Assignment: Governance Committee
  2. Hold at least four all church forums per year, enhancing communication and participation with the Congregation.
    Assignment: Communication Committee
  3. Get us back on track in completing annual duties as defined in the bylaws and policies.
    Assignment: Governance Committee
  4. During the 2024-2025 church year prepare the by-laws amendment to reduce the size of the board from 12 to 9. Present to the congregation for a successful vote.
    Assignment: Governance and Communications Committees
  5. Increase the number of congregants serving as nonvoting members on the Board committees.
    Assignment: Governance, Finance and Communications Committees
  6. Create a Right Relations Committee to serve the Congregation.
    Assignment: Governance Committee
  7. Take action to improve our practices and model antiracist behavior as called for in the 8th Principle. Continue to educate ourselves so that we can support the development of this work within the congregation.
    Assignment: Board Liberation Team
  8. In partnership with the Executive Team, the church will create Mission, Vision, Strategic Planning
    Assignment: Moderator and Executive Team
  9. Educate congregation and the board so that people better understand the fiscal health of the church.
    Assignment: Finance Committee

Fall 2024 Board Updates

Click the image below to view the document in full.

Attend a Board Meeting or Write the Board

Except during the summer months, the Board regularly meets on the first Wednesday of every month, beginning at 7 pm. The opportunity for congregant comment is usually scheduled in the first half hour of the meeting’s agenda. Please see the Board Packet, posted the Monday before the Board meeting, for the latest time and location.   

Board meetings are held both in-person and virtually, via Zoom. Congregants are invited to watch the meetings. The link and phone numbers below will connect you to virtual Board meetings.

Join Zoom Meeting

  • Dial In Option: 1-669-900-6833
  • Meeting ID: 829 3022 3125
  • Pass code: 398649
  • One tap mobile: +16699006833,,82930223125#

Write us

The Board also welcomes your written ideas and questions. 
