Month: May 2021

Forgiveness or Permission

I used to think about Memorial Day as the beginning of summer. The long weekend with the weather almost surely summer-like. 

OK. That was before I moved to Oregon where I’ve grown accustomed to waiting longer for summer’s arrival. But, especially this year, my need for respite is not waiting … read more.

Moderator’s Letter – MAY 2021


As we near the end of our most unusual church year we are winding up our meetings with congregants to hear their thoughts on our church-wide goals for the next three years. Many congregants have given their input through group meetings or individually. We are … read more.

UUs can help bring real peace to Palestine/Israel

Most UUs are looking on with horror at what is happening in Palestine/Israel right now. But we can do more than watch.  We can help bring justice and peace to Palestine/Israel. To do so, we must look beyond the headlines about the death and destruction … read more.

Western States Center Update

In July 2020, First Unitarian Church of Portland joined the Western States Center as a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit claiming that our right to free speech and the expression of our religious imperative to protest injustice was violated when the Trump Administration sent federal … read more.

Good News or Not So Much?

Last week, most of us were shocked to hear the Centers for Disease Control say that vaccinated people can just stop wearing masks and, for the most part, stop being concerned about distancing. At least that is what I heard.  

My initial reaction was such relief, but then … read more.

Heart Broken

Our monthly spiritual theme of emergence seems to invite attention to that which is emerging, to the new creation and the new spiritual habits that must follow. We tend to focus on the butterfly as it leaves the cocoon, on the chick as it leaves … read more.