Month: March 2018

Leading by Following

With the coming of spring, I somehow cannot resist seeing signs of hope. Last Saturday hundreds of First Unitarian folks joined the March for Our Lives, calling for a ban on assault weapons and other sane and sensible measures to reduce gun violence. By the … read more.

April: Jodi Burton

I paint from life paint hoping to pull out a universal element that speaks to all.  I try to bring something that rings true to Oregon. I don’t want to copy a landscape, I do try to tell an atmospheric  story, to offer a portrait of what I see.
… read more.

What Will We Settle For?

We awoke on Tuesday to news of another school shooting, this time in Maryland. “Only” three children were critically wounded…this time.

At First Unitarian, there seems to be near unanimous agreement that sensible gun safety measures are desperately needed and long overdue. Consensus around that seems … read more.

Portland March for Our Lives

Saturday, March 24
10 a.m.  West Burnside and SW Park (across Burnside from North Park Blocks)
Look for the Yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” banner.


12 p.m. Rally at Pioneer Courthouse Square

First Unitarian Church will meet at 10:00.a.m. at W. Burnside and SW Park across from the North Park Blocks
The march … read more.

From Sacrifice to Sharing

What are you giving up for Lent? I remember that question from my youth. Although my family did not recognize this liturgical season, many of my childhood friends did. Spinach was a favorite response, as I remember it.

Praying, Fasting, and Giving Alms are the three … read more.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Darkness and Light
Choir: Chalice Choir


Hold Out Your Light
Music: Moses Hogan
Text: Traditional

Hold out your light, you Heaven-bound soldier,
Let your light shine around the world.

Singing, O, preacher can’t you hold out your light.
O, deacon can’t you hold … read more.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Proud and Humble
Choir: Chamber Choir


Daemon Irrepit Callidus
Music: György Orbán
Text: Traditional

Daemon irrepit calidus, 
Allicit cor honoribus. 
Quid amabile Daemon dat 
Cor jesu minus aestimat Daemon point frauds inter cantus, 
Saltus, Daemon! 
Caro venaratur sensibus; 
Sen sus adhaeret dapibus; 
In … read more.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Monthly Theme: Evil
Sermon Topic: Deliver Us To Evil
Choir: Unitarian Choir


Lamentations of Jeremiah
Music: Z. Randall Stroope
Text: Traditional

O vos omnes,
qui transities per viam
attendite et videte
si est dolor,
sicut dolor meus.

Recordare Domine
intuere et respice
opprobrium nostrum.


O you people,
who pass … read more.