Month: November 2017

Alliance Greens Sale News

Alliance Greens Sale
This coming Sunday, December 3rd, is the 1st day of our Annual Greens Sale – with ALL of the proceeds going to organizations that support women & children and to special projects at our Church. If you have not already purchased your holiday wreath – … read more.

I Believe You


Bill asked me to write the blog this week to address the change in our service for December 10. There is much on my mind and in my heart these days; I’m sure this is true for many of us.

As we enter … read more.

Giving Thanks

I’ve been wondering what makes the difference.

Gratitude for the blessings in our lives is almost universally praised by people of faith. We recognize gratitude as a virtue every Sunday when we give thanks for all we have received.

“This is the day we have been given. … read more.

Q Center Portland

For the month of November, as we raise up, remember, and celebrate the lives of transgender individuals of all identities, we share our plate offerings with Q Center. Located in North Portland, Q Center provides a safe space to support and celebrate LGBTQ diversity, equity, … read more.

Pacific Northwest District Chalice Lighters

Chalice Lighters

Since its inception in 1990, UUs have provided over $800,000 through the Chalice Lighters program to help our congregations grow! This is pay-it-forward generosity, at its best.

This Is Our Fall 2017 Call: Fund Growth Technology Initiative Grants

Please help your fellow congregations communicate more effectively, … read more.

November Moderator’s Letter

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

The energy in the Church this fall has been wonderful.  And we have some great news.  As I write this, we are near 90% of our Annual Fund Drive (AFD) goal.  We are far ahead of where we were last year at this … read more.

Thanksgiving: an Origin Story

This time next week many of us will be enjoying Thanksgiving meals, often with extended family. Some of us will be serving meals in shelters. The youth of the church will have delivered boxes of food to former guests at our 13 Salmon Family Shelter. … read more.

One Year

The Progressive and even the non-partisan or “fake” news was filled with the Democratic victories in Virginia, yesterday. All three state-wide offices were won by Democrats and it seemed the lower house of the legislature might turn from red to blue as well. The new … read more.

Transform or Transmit?


“If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it.” — Richard Rohr

Last week I traveled to Washington, DC. It was a trip that had several parts including a board meeting for the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and reaching at the … read more.