Month: May 2017

How’s the Water?

Rev. Sinkford’s Blog …

David Foster Wallace began a commencement address at Kenyon College several years ago with this story:

“There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, ‘Morning, … read more.

Uprooting Racism

The Rev. Lissa Anne Gundlach was our guest preacher on Sunday, April 30.  She reminded us of the importance of examining racism within ourselves, our church, our denomination and our city, state and country.  She recommended a book that we carry in our bookstore: “Uprooting … read more.

Raise Your Voice – with Postcard Action Kits

Activism Made Fun, Easy and Beautiful!  When you write your elected officials, why not use a bold postcard to send your message?

Full color postcards are available in themed packs of 18.  Choose from collections with a focus on:  the Environment; Women’s Equality; Earn My Vote; … read more.

May: Tupper Malone

A third generation Oregonian, I am always drawn to the nature in our state and have depicted animals and flowers from the outset.  Having the inspiration of my surroundings has always been an important facet of my work.  Initially, I received a degree in sculpture … read more.