Month: May 2017

June: Pattie Palmer-Baker

Pattie Palmer-Baker has created a style of art which combines her poetry in calligraphic form with collages of paste paper. Although her calligraphic style is based on the 8th century Carolingian alphabet and her paste paper process is adapted from a 17th century decorated paper … read more.

Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism

This month we share our Sunday offering plate with Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU).  Black Lives of UU provides information, resources and support for Black Unitarian Universalists and works to expand the role and visibility of Black UUs within our faith.  BLUU provides guidance … read more.

Our Transcendental Roots

A class in May is exploring the lives of Thoreau, Emerson, Fuller and Peabody.  The bookstore has several books to expand your knowledge of these well-known transcendentalists.  Here are some that we carry:

The Peabody Sisters: Three Women Who Ignited American Romanticism by Megan Marshall  This … read more.

Annual Election

Have you completed and returned your ballot yet? One of your rights and responsibilities as a voting member is to decide issues of significance to the church. To encourage the greatest possible participation in this annual election, the Board of Trustees has again authorized a … read more.

Quarterly Congregant Budget Meeting


All members and friends are invited to attend our regular quarterly congregant budget meeting this Sunday, May 14, at 10:30 a.m. in the Channing Room (A101).  The Finance Committee will report on the church’s nine-month financial results and the proposed fiscal 2018 budget.


May Moderator’s Letter

May 11, 2017

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

Please remember to vote.  You should have received your ballot in the mail by now. Please review it carefully and mail it back or drop it off at the church.  Your ballots must be received at the Church by … read more.

Writing as Spiritual Practice

A class on this topic is happening four Wednesdays in May, 2017.  Our bookstore has two books on this topic.

The Pen and the Bell: Mindful Writing in a Busy World by Holly Hughes  $15


Writing – The Sacred Art: Beyond the page to Spiritual Practice by Rami … read more.