Month: March 2017

The Problem With Resurrection

Our spiritual theme for April is “Resurrection.” This comes as little surprise to most of us. We will celebrate the Easter holiday in just weeks. If the long established pattern holds, attendance on Easter Sunday will be larger than any other Sunday morning during the … read more.

i carry your heart with me

The Chamber Choir sang a beautiful rendition of the song titled “i carry your heart with me” on Sunday, March 26.

The title comes from a poem written by ee cummings, first published in 1952, and is now adapted in a beautiful children’s book by the … read more.

Answered Prayers


“Wow.” “Expansive.” “Heart Opening.” “Holy.”

These are a few of the words that were used to describe the process of holding each other in prayer that we began during last week’s service. I want to thank all of you who took the time to write and … read more.

“Why We March”

A great new book has just been published: Why We March: Signs of Protest and Hope — Voices from the Women’s March.

“On January 21, 2017, millions of people gathered worldwide for the Women’s March, one of the largest demonstrations in political history. Together they raised … read more.

Easter is April 16 !

Your bookstore has lots of fun books for children that focus on the secular symbols of Easter – bunny rabbits, eggs, lambs and chicks – and Peter Rabbit!  Choose a book for that little one in your life and support First Unitarian at the same … read more.

Financial Update for Members and Friends

In early February, we announced the results of this year’s Fund Drive. We continue to receive a few pledges through June, and pledge increases are always welcome; but it is clear that our pledge income will be 10% short of our goal. That amounts to … read more.

March Moderator’s Letter

Greetings Fellow Congregants,

     The word is out: we have a new Director of Music! On behalf of the Board, I would like to also thank Reverend Sinkford and the Music Director Search Advisory Committee for their diligent work. There were many qualified applicants to … read more.

The Great Mosque of Cordoba


Visiting southern Spain was a dream of mine for many years. I was drawn to the history of peaceful, or at least non-lethal, co-existence of Muslims, Jews and Christians in the 700 years before 1492. There is real controversy today about how that period should … read more.