In-Person: We look forward to welcoming you at our Worship Service at 10:15am on Sunday.
• Coffee Hour follows the service every week.
• 1st Sundays, we host a Pancake Breakfast before the service starting at 8:45am.
• 2nd Sundays, we serve a light Soup Lunch after the service.
Online: Click here to watch on-line.
You can participate in our worship service online at 10:15am Pacific, or later in the week.
• We broadcast via BoxCast, YouTube, and Facebook.
• Tuesdays at 5:30pm, you can join Connect and Reflect on ZOOM for community and conversation about the previous Sunday’s sermon.
About our Learning Community: 1st Sundays, children and youth begin in the worship service for Together Time. All other Sundays, they begin in classes and youth group in the Buchan Building at 10:15am. Please check the Learning Community Calendar for dates, including multigenerational services and when there are no classes. Children and youth are always welcome to stay for the whole service.
A note about masks: Masks are welcome here. Masks offer prevention against viruses and other infections and are a supportive measure for people who are immunocompromised.