Church Goals for 2021-2024 

As we work to embrace our call as a justice-seeking community in the emerging post-pandemic era, we recognize the unique value First Unitarian Church and liberal religion bring to Portland and the larger community. We will:

  1. Continue, and enhance as we are able, our vibrant ministries in worship, music, adult and young people’s spiritual education, and social justice.
  2. Successfully complete the ministerial transition and establish covenantal relationships among the new minister, the congregation, staff, and Board.
  3. Take the next steps toward living into the 8th Principle by examining all parts of the church structure to ensure we are accountably creating a multicultural and anti-racist environment where each person is welcomed and finds connection.
  4. Create a long-term plan for development and sustainability of the church campus given congregational needs and resources, community needs, and the evolving dynamics of downtown Portland.
  5. Enhance and promote an ever-growing culture of generosity and financial sustainability.

Church Goals will help guide First Unitarian during the important period of transition to our new Senior Minister and for our emergence from the pandemic. Church by-laws charge the Board to set Church Goals on a periodic basis. During 2021, the Board engaged with the congregation with a congregant survey and forum. With this detailed input and Board generative discussions, the Board adopted these Church Goals at its February 3, 2022, business meeting.

Vision Statement:

First Unitarian Church is a beacon of hope for us and for our community, a spiritual center in the heart of our city that helps each of us to find our moral compass, calling and challenging us to build the beloved community with an ever deepening sense of spirit, diversity and inclusion.

(adopted by the Board August 2015)

Board Goals for 2020-2023

  1. Continue to examine the ways in which power, privilege and White supremacy culture affect our church, including our board work, to include:

a) Educating ourselves on the issues, such that we can support the development of this work in the congregation.

b) Taking steps to improve our practices and model antiracist behavior. This will include:

i. Evaluating how we enact policy-based governance in a manner that actively dismantles White supremacy culture in our board and in our congregation.

ii. Exploring and considering endorsing the adoption of the 8th Principle through its addition to our bylaws.

  1. Holding the mission of the church, engage in ongoing, generative conversations with the Executive Team and the congregation to:

a) Develop understanding of the church that’s emerging, as well as the pastoral needs and continuing connections among congregants in the church that is

b) Approve a revenue plan to sustain the mission of the church in current and emerging contexts

c) Lead the congregation in development of 5-year church goals

d) Consider viable options for maintenance of our current physical plant and future development of the campus to meet the needs of the emerging church

  1. Governance committee will review and possibly recommend changes to the bylaws as they relate to size of Board, and definition of pledging member in board policies.
  2. Continue to support the Ministerial Search Committee and the transition to a new Senior Minister.

(adopted by the Board October 2020)